Saturday, November 17, 2007

It's All Good

My birds managed to hatch their eggs, such good parents!

There is a problem though, all three of the eggs hatched! So that means three times more responsibility for me, and you should see the messes they make. Seeds clear across the room! So I'm going to try and sell them, instead of cleaning up bird poo my whole life.

Anyway moving on, Coconut isn't liking the fact that it's getting colder. He never gets to go outside anymore, we just have to buy him bugs from the store now. Lately we have been getting him these really, super duper gross giant super worms. And if he's not eating those, we give him these weird crickets. And for artificial sun, we bought him a special lamp, that he sunbaths under. Poor Coco!

The lizard has company though, my cats. Considering they have to sleep in a barn at night, the cold weather affects them as well. At least Coconut gets to sleep inside.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Zebra Finches

My birds are awesome!!!!!!! (They are Zebra Finches. One is white and one is brown.)

Wanna know why???? Well then I'll tell you.... they............ in this nest box!!!!


Then they laid more eggs!!!!! Now they take turns sitting on them.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

The lazy lions.

Oh yes, today I will tell you about the beasts that lurk in the jungle, hiding behind trees and pouncing on anyone who is unfortunate enough to cross their path! In the darkest places, so dark you've only seen them in your nightmares, they wreak their horrible vengeance! They... they....

...what's this!?

Ah... yes, did I happen to mention they are very... lazy?

Oh!!! and I'm sorry if I forgot to say they eat er... canned food, he he.

Okay, okay they don't live in the jungle and they don't hunt for food... they're my cats.

The orange one is Rusty, he's a boy, and the black and white one... well we just call her Kitty.

They get along pretty well considering we just got kitty last week. Of course if Kitty gets in Rusty's face things can get nasty!

Now, don't go thinking we spoil our cats! We don't always feed them wet food from the can, usually they eat dry food from a bag. But if we need them all we have to do is put out some wet food and...

...well it's a good thing they obey the phrase follow your nose wherever it goes! I'm serious this trick really helps us if we can't find the cats!

Well the cats are tired now so I should let them sleep!

See you next time.

Thursday, August 30, 2007


Hello readers of my blog, and welcome to my getaway!

Today I'm going to tell you about a very interesting creature named Coconut.

This my brother's Jackson Chameleon.

Isn't he coolio?

The awesome thing is we didn't even have to buy him a cage, he will just live on house plants.
Of course you do have to watch your step when you enter the house after a day in town, he can be in the most mischievous places! The shoe rack is one of his favorite spots.

And you really do need to be careful of predators when you take him outside to eat!

Speaking of eating, he has a really cool way of catching his food! We will take him outside, and he does the rest. As soon as he sees a bug he stick out his tongue and... WHAM!!! Another bug down the hatch.

He really likes grasshoppers, but there have been so many of them lately that he is beginning to get a little bored of them. Plus the grass hoppers are getting so big! Some of them won't even fit in his mouth. Try to keep him away from bees, although I think he got a yellow jacket once.

This winter he is going to need a heat lamp, and we are going to have to buy him some bugs. But that's not a big deal at all, so it's very inexpensive to own a creature like coconut. Unless live in a place where it's cold all of the time.

Over all he is a very low maintenance pet, and fun to have around!