Saturday, November 17, 2007

It's All Good

My birds managed to hatch their eggs, such good parents!

There is a problem though, all three of the eggs hatched! So that means three times more responsibility for me, and you should see the messes they make. Seeds clear across the room! So I'm going to try and sell them, instead of cleaning up bird poo my whole life.

Anyway moving on, Coconut isn't liking the fact that it's getting colder. He never gets to go outside anymore, we just have to buy him bugs from the store now. Lately we have been getting him these really, super duper gross giant super worms. And if he's not eating those, we give him these weird crickets. And for artificial sun, we bought him a special lamp, that he sunbaths under. Poor Coco!

The lizard has company though, my cats. Considering they have to sleep in a barn at night, the cold weather affects them as well. At least Coconut gets to sleep inside.

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